Our one-click photogrammetry solution

OpenScan Cloud

Use our free/donation-based processing pipeline to get amazing 3D models from any image source.

Free for all

Thanks to our generous Patreons, we can offer the OpenScan Cloud without additional costs.

High Flexibility

From microscope to drone photos - you can use almost any image as input to construct your 3D model


We highly value your privacy! We will never share your data!

Long time support

We established the OpenScan Cloud in 2021 and are keen to provide a long-lived service.


Our in-house solution has been built with scalability in mind, and capacity can be easily extended.

Are your photos suited for photogrammetry?

This little browser based tool will highlight areas that are most likely suitable for photogrammetry. Those red areas indicate a high feature count.

Just upload an image, adjust the grid size if you want, and click "Analyze Image" to see the heatmap of the feature density.

Processing: 0%




Some technical details

Current monthly capacity

~ 15.000 scans

~ 5.000.000 photos



Average reconstruction

in 9 minutes

Current workload

~ 8%

Success rate

~ 93 %

No App required!

OpenScan WebUploader (BETA)

You can simply upload and process images from anywhere. The only thing needed is an access token, which can be obtained by mail to cloud@openscan.eu

Lion Statue in Halle - Iphone XS
Parasaurolophus - Iphone 6S


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Windows Uploader

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Rest API

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Windows Uploader

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Rest API

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Photogrammetry Software Comparison

When using Photogrammetry, which is necessary for the OpenScan Classic and Mini, you will have to choose between a wide range of available software. The OpenScan Cloud is our easy-to-use one-click-solution, but you can get similar results with many programs. We have compiled results from the same photo set (Dropbox) in various programs using standard settings (which still leave quite some room for improvements) and we will publish the results soon.


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